Best Practices for International Ecommerce and Retail Expansion 


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To reach shoppers around the world and succeed at international expansion, you need an end-to-end set of solutions that let you find and connect with shoppers, personalise their experience on and off your ecommerce site and deliver a localised post-purchase process that is seamless and reflects your brand. 

That’s why ESW and SHOPLINE have joined forces: to make it easy for you to see fast, efficient and long-term success in markets around the world. 

Omnichannel from the Start 

According to ESW’s Global Voices survey, 52% of shoppers around the world are omnichannel shoppers. That is, more than half of all shoppers use a combination of online and in-person channels to research, buy, pick up and return merchandise.  

Not only are most shoppers utilising multiple channels, but those that do, spend more. Of global shoppers who spent between $3,500 and $4,999 online last year, 66% were omnichannel shoppers. Of consumers who spent less than $500 online, only 48% were omnichannel shoppers. 

What does it all mean? When embarking on international expansion, you should build multi-channel and cross-channel strategies from the start. Plan to segment and target your audience from the moment you launch in an international market and make sure online and physical strategies are in place from day one. 

SHOPLINE and ESW have expertise and solutions that enable your end-to-end omnichannel presence from marketing to logistics. 

Prioritise Localisation 

Omnichannel shopping may be universal, but the specifics vary by market and that’s where localisation comes in. From marketing to returns and refunds, giving your shoppers a familiar experience fast-tracks your brand’s success.  

What should you localise in each new global market you enter? 

  • Language – Marketing, ecommerce site, checkout, customer service, all of it. If it’s part of your customer’s experience, it needs to be in their language. 
  • Currency – Don’t make your shoppers look up currency conversions online. Not only will those exchange rates change from day-to-day, leaving shoppers uncertain about the total amount they will pay, but it’s a poor experience and means the shopper has to leave your site to find exchange rates. 
  • Payment methods – Shoppers in some markets prefer to pay with credit cards. In other markets, cash is king. Localising the customer journey means knowing which payment methods people prefer and offering those methods. 
  • Catalogue and promotions – Culture plays a huge role in what shoppers want to buy and when. Knowing those preferences and localising your offerings will help you win and retain customers. 

SHOPLINE and ESW know that localisation is key to your success. That’s why we have the robust yet flexible solutions to put new shoppers at ease and increase checkout conversions in each new market. 

Make it Personal 

Personalisation goes hand-in-hand with localisation. Potential customers want to interact with a brand on their terms. They want brands to know and meet their needs and preferences. Proper segmentation and targeted marketing efforts make sure that you’re talking to the right consumers about the right products and the exact right time.  

Personalisation goes beyond marketing – especially for an omnichannel shopper. These shoppers want your brand to know them online and in-store. Your experience needs to be seamless. Customer service – online and in-store should be able to access customer data so they can provide exceptional service that increases retention. 

ESW and SHOPLINE realise the value of personalisation in long-term growth and profitability. Our solutions are efficient and our expertise make it fast and easy to personalise the shopper experience from day one. 

International Expansion Takeaway 

Taking your brand international is one thing. Being successful is another. Get the most out of your expansion in an efficient and profitable way by enlisting experts who know how to do worldwide ecommerce right. 

SHOPLINE has the expertise you need to deliver your omnichannel presence in any market. From shopper segmentation to journey personalisation and management, SHOPLINE’s solutions give your brand an advantage in global markets. 

ESW makes worldwide ecommerce powerful and simple by localising the checkout and logistics experience to deliver flexible and seamless experiences the increase checkout conversions and build profitable long-term growth.  

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