ESW and Asendia Discuss International Ecommerce Expansion


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Opening ecommerce channels in new markets is an effective and efficient way to grow customer audiences and increase revenue. But as many merchants know, launching and running a DTC ecommerce channel is often complex and frustrating.

Earlier this month, executives from ESW and Asendia joined more than 150,000 attendees from more than 170 countries at VivaTech 2023 in Paris to make connections and solve some of the most pressing problems in commerce. 

While there, ESW Chief Commercial Officer Alan Clarke and Asendia CEO Marc Pontet sat down for an interview about all things cross-border ecommerce including improving the return process for customers and merchants, key sustainability initiatives and the importance of a localised online shopping experience. 

“[Brands want to] grow sales and grow the customer base by growing into new markets. But there are lots of considerations in terms of localising the service,” said Clarke. “Local language, local payment methods, local compliance and regulations they have to adhere to. Not to mention the global service network that they have to put behind that. There’s where Asendia and ESW comes in.” 

Watch the entire interview on YouTube.

To learn how we can help your brand meet its goals for global ecommerce growth, contact ESW today. 

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