How Customer Service Drives Growth in Global Markets


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When you’re expanding your ecommerce business into new, international markets, you think a lot about growth drivers. But do you consider customer service as a key to successful international growth? 

Sure, you probably think about customer acquisition. In order to grow, you need new shoppers in your new markets. And you think about controlling costs, increasing revenue and leveraging your competitive advantage to maximise your growth.  

Why provide exceptional customer service?

As you’re putting together your go-to-market strategy in global markets, don’t forget to include customer service. More than an add-on, customer service is a growth driver as you take your brand abroad.  

Exceptional customer service builds trust and credibility 

Effective customer service demonstrates your reliability and commitment to your customers. That commitment builds trust in your brand. When you have customer service that responds in a timely manner and quickly resolves the shopper’s issue, customers know they can count on you to take care of them. 

This is important when operating in global markets. To be successful, you have to build that trust quickly and effectively. 

Exceptional customer service fosters brand loyalty 

Localised customer service provided by professionals or services that understand the local culture, speak the local language and know local preferences can provide high quality service. And consistent, world-class service encourages customer loyalty. In fact, 96% of shoppers say excellent service is key to winning their loyalty

When you resolve issues quickly and satisfactorily, you reduce churn and increase customer lifetime value.  

Exceptional service generates word-of-mouth marketing 

When you treat shoppers well, they talk about it. If you have resolved a shopper’s issue or answered their question or located a lost package, they will tell their friends. You cannot buy this kind of marketing. A satisfied shopper is a walking five-star review and brand advocate. They will drive growth by encouraging their friends to shop with you.  

Exceptional customer service drives repeat business 

Exceptional customer service encourages shoppers to come back and shop with you again. This is a critical factor for achieving sustained growth and profitability in a new market. Repeat customers spend more and cost less to serve. 

Meeting and exceeding international expectations 

Integrating customer service into your international ecommerce strategy is not just about solving problems but about creating memorable experiences that build lasting relationships with customers. Prioritising customer service not only accelerates your success in new markets but also lays a strong foundation for long-term growth and brand loyalty. 

To drive growth in international markets, you should implement strategies that cater to the needs and preferences in each market. 

Addressing cultural differences and language barriers

Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to international ecommerce success. Customer service teams that can communicate effectively in local languages and are sensitive to cultural nuances can prevent misunderstandings and foster positive interactions. 

Meeting local consumer expectations

Every market has unique consumer expectations. Tailoring your customer service approach to meet these expectations ensures that your brand resonates well with the local audience, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction. This includes knowing what channels your shoppers prefer to use – phone, chatbot, email, etc. – and then optimising your service channels to serve shoppers effectively. 

Multilingual support

Offering customer service in the local language is crucial for connecting with a global audience. Even though many shoppers speak more than one language, they prefer to do business in their native language. One survey found that 42% of European shoppers never buy products or services in other languages

Locally sensitive service

Building customer service teams in different regions or having teams that fully understand local expectations helps provide culturally relevant support. Shoppers in different markets have different expectations. Even something as seemingly small as how you address a shopper matters. Greetings that are perfectly acceptable in one culture may be seen as disrespectful in another. 

Proactive communication

Reaching out to your customers proactively can prevent issues before they come up. What’s more, proactive communication shows your commitment to transparency and customer care. Whether it’s letting a shopper know about a delivery delay or that a refund has processed, keep your shoppers informed and answer their questions before they ask. 

Sustained growth through exceptional service 

International expansion involves many, many moving parts. When you include customer service as a key piece of your growth puzzle, you are making sure that your customers have a fully localised experience that meets and exceed their expectations and generates loyalty. 

ESW understands that the customer service experience can turn a shopper into either a single transaction, or a repeat customer. The way that we aspire to meet that is by becoming an extension of our brands, monitoring closely what shoppers are saying which we feed into our performance reporting and retailer consultations.  If we spot issues, we call it out. If we see something working well, we call it out and that helps our retailers drive success and get to know their shoppers. 

Kimberly Robinson
Senior Manager, Customer Support

ESW knows what it takes to make sure your brand succeeds in serving your international customers. We have teams around the globe and offer two levels of service so you can choose the one that best fits your needs and serves your shoppers. Reach out to find out more about how we serve your customers so you can achieve profitable growth.  

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