Podcast: Ecommerce Fraud Prevention and Distributed Workforces

Insights, International expansion

Table of Contents

Ecommerce fraud prevention protects revenue and brand reputation. In the latest episodes of Fraudology Podcast with Karisse Hendrick, ESW’s Global Fraud & Risk Manager Neill Mac Carthaigh talks about his professional journey and what brands need to do ensure they’re doing everything they can to prevent fraud and protect their brands.

Episode 1: Fighting Fraud while Living Abroad

Neill talks about developing his career as he moved throughout Europe and the United States. From balancing his personal and professional life to managing a diverse workforce, Neill describes his personal journey.

Episode 2: Is it Possible to Select the Right Vendor without a Live POC?

In this episode, Neill speaks frankly about holding vendors accountable to their promises. Ecommerce fraud prevention requires constant learning and optimisation. Is your brand’s vendor keeping up? Neill tells brands how to spot red flags and what to look for for long-term fraud prevention success.

If you’re ready to talk about your brand’s goals, including ecommerce fraud prevention and global expansion, contact ESW. We help the world’s best-loved brands expand into new territories quickly with best-in-breed fraud prevention.

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